For 8 tartlets
8 tartlets of savory brisé pastry 2 caprino cheeses Lazzaris sliced apple mostarda
For the tartlets, line 8 buttered moulds with the brisèe pastry and cook in a preheated oven at 180° for approximately 15 minutes, until the pasta is golden brown. Remove from the oven and allow it to cool. Add the caprino cheese to the finely chopped apple mostarda slices and amalgamate well. Remove the tartlets from the mould, spoon in the filling and decorate with strips of mostarda.
Preparation of the “brisèe pastry” or “mezzasfoglia”
In a bowl mix 70g of fine-ground flour with a pinch of salt, add 40g of softened butter, and 2 spoons of water (1/2dl). Knead until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
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